mercoledì 5 ottobre 2011

ROM ITALIA: Please confirm the adherence to the proposal Urgent Call to the Italian Government to convene the national board to devise a strategy and a national plan for social inclusion of Roma population

Please confirm the adherence to the proposal Urgent Call to the Italian Government to convene the national board to devise a strategy  and a national plan for social inclusion of Roma population

Subject: Urgent Call to the Italian Government to convene the national board to devise a strategy
and a national plan for social inclusion of Roma population
Following the results achieved by the EFC Forum (Forum on social inclusion of Roma communities in Europe) held in Rome on 3 / 4 October 2011 c / o the Senate and the City of Rome
After monitoring the living conditions of the Roma population made in Italy by One - European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights in the months of June and July 2011.
Following the results of the Summit on Roma issues was held in Strasbourg on September 22, 2011 in accordance with the high-level strategy ratified by the Member States on 20 October 2010.
Following the resolution adopted by the European Parliament March 9, 2011.
Following the publication of the first report on living conditions of Roma population promoted and achieved by the Senate Human Rights Commission
Following the dramatic conditions of the Roma ethnic population that is living within the Italian State we are to require the signing of the following letter to be sent to Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and the Italian Interior Minister Roberto Maroni
Please confirm the adherence to the proposal to be submitted to the Italian Government to allow urgent convening of a national board that addresses the dramatic conditions in which they continue to live citizens of Roma origin in the Italian State.
With courteous solicitude
Best Regards


Marcello Zuinisi
Educatore Professionale
legale rappresentante di Nazione Rom
(Opera Nomadi Toscana)
Via XXV Aprile 61, Ameglia (Sp)
Via Ricortola 166, Marina di Massa (Ms)
tel: +39 3209489950
Al Presidente del Consiglio
Silvio Berlusconi
Al Ministro degli Interni
On. Roberto Maroni
Capo Segreteria: dr. Giacomo Ciriello
Capo Segreteria particolare: dr.ssa Daniela Propersi

Consigliere Strategico: avv. Gian Paolo Sassi
Consigliere Diplomatico: cons. Marco Villani
Consigliere per la Sicurezza: dr. Luigi Peruzzotti
Consigliere sulle politiche di genere, comunitarie ed internazionali: dr.ssa Mara Carluccio
Responsabile: d.ssa Serenella Ravioli
Tel. + 39 06.46533777
Fax. +39 06.46549322

Ufficio Stampa
Coordinatore: dr. Felice Colombrino
Tel. + 39 06.46533777
Fax. +39 06.46549599 


 Subject: Request for urgent national board convened to develop a strategy
and a national plan for social inclusion of Roma population

Following the results achieved by the EFC Forum (Forum on social inclusion of Roma communities in Europe)held in Rome on 3 / 4 October 2011 c / o the Senate and the City of Rome
After monitoring the living conditions of Roma population in Italy made by Fra -European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights in the months of June and July 2011.
Following the strategy of social inclusion of Roma population adottatta by the Council of Europe in Strasbourgin high-level meeting Oct. 20, 2010 (attached)
Following the results achieved by the Summit on Roma issue convened in Strasbourg by the Council of Europeand the European Commission 22 September 2011 and the final declaration adopted (attached)
Following the declaration of the President of the Italian delegation of the Congress of Local and CLRAERegional Authorities of Europe (Annex)
Following the declaration of ANCI - National Association of Italian Municipalities (Attachment)
Following the report of the delegation from Roma (Italy) in the work of the Summit (attached)
Following the publication of the first report on the condition of the Roma population developedHuman Rights Commission by the Senate - Sen. Pres Pietro Marcenaro (attached)
Following the resolution on the strategy for social inclusion of Roma population in developed and approvedEuropean Parliament by March 9, 2011 (attached)
Following a number of recommendations to protect human dignity of the Roma population, expressed innumerous occasions by the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano
The following signatories hereby require the convening of an urgent need to develop the national tablea strategy and a national plan for social inclusion of Roma population.

Best Regards

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